Duke Nukem Forever has gone down as one of the most controversial games released in gaming. The game was announced way back in 1997 following the success of Duke Nukem 3D but sadly underwent several delays, lawsuits and changed developers multiple times before finally releasing in 2011 to some rather low review scores. The game was finally released by Gearbox Software and Piranha Games but it seems that an earlier build of Duke Nukem Forever actually existed out there and has now leaked online.
A 2001 Duke Nukem Forever build has surfaced on the web with some fully-playable levels showcasing what the game originally looked like while under development at 3D Realms. Keep in mind that this 2001 build was the same one which was officially showcased at E3 2001 before vanishing for over ten years.
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According to the leak, the Duke Nukem Forever build includes every chapter originally planned for the game. However, some chapters are incomplete and some chapters are completely empty. There are even some stages that don’t have any enemies present in the level whatsoever.
According to the source, the leaker plans on releasing the full build of Duke Nukem Forever as its full source code and a level editor. This planned release is set for sometime in June. If this happens, perhaps the community can work together to complete the game by finishing up the empty levels and gameplay.
The leaker released a detailed breakdown of the build online saying the following:
- The build has every chapter in one form or another, part is playable, part is blockouts (a low-detailed schematic “draft” of the level – approx. MirF) without enemies. All content shown at E3 is present.
- Those responsible for the leak plan to release not only the editor, but the entire source code. Approximately in June. They have two builds on hand, the content is presented in only one.
- All weapons work except for the chainsaw and freezer.
- The level editor works. The leakers have the UnrealScript engine and source code in their hands, as well as compilation instructions.
- The engine is UE1.
- This is not a completed game.
- This is an iteration for E3 2001, but not the final build.
- The game has a shrink beam. This is the first weapon in slot 4.
- The theme music is that Megadeth tech. It starts playing as soon as you load the game.
- Duke Shelley “Bombshell” Harrison is not in the game. According to the logs, her model was removed from the game.
- There are strippers in the game, you can interact with them when you first enter the club. At the time of recorded gameplay, most of them are dead.
A full minute and a half of gameplay was released for this build. It doesn’t include much but it is proof that the game is real. It is just a matter of time now before the full build is released to the public and users can mod it into a full game. It will be interesting to see how far apart the 2001 build is in comparison to the 2011 release. You can follow the progression here.