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5 Important Things Borderlands 3 Does Not Tell You How to do

Borderlands 3 is here. If you are picking up the game today then you need to know the truth. Gearbox Software designed the game in such a way that there’s a lot it fails to tell you. After two days of playing, we had to discover a lot about it including how to equip Borderlands 3 weapon skins and trinkets and much more. So to save you the time, we wanted to share some important features which you will probably try and Google anyway.

RELATED: Borderlands 3 Diamond Loot Chest and Merchandise Unboxing

Get all your Pre-Order and Borderlands VIP loot

The most important part of setting up your Borderlands 3 adventure is grabbing all that sweet VIP loot which you unlocked before the game launched. We only discovered this last night but everything you have is unlocked in the mailbox system which can only be accessed while in the game. Press pause, head over to the “social” page and go all the way to the right-hand tab.

Here you will find all your weapons, trinkets, room decorations and Golden Keys. Click on all the messages and they will be added to your inventory. Some weapons will drop at a higher level so store them until you are able to equip them. Be sure to visit the VIP page to redeem more codes to unlock more cool things.

How to Change Your Weapon Skin

Another feature which is hidden away from you is the ability to change your weapon skin. Everyone that pre-ordered the game received a golden skin pack and if you used the VIP program, there should be more cool skins to equip. How do you equip Borderlands 3 weapon skins? Well, simply. Open up your inventory, go over the weapon you want to make prettier and click R3 to inspect it (sprint button on other platforms).

This will pull your weapon into view. You can rotate it and look at all the attachments that make it what it is. If a weapon has a negative buff then you can look at the attachments to see why this is happening. You will also find the skin features here. Look for the “change weapon skin” tab and press the button (Square on PS4). Apply your skin and you are done.

How to Equip Weapon Trinkets

Borderlands 3 features a new trinket system where you can find tiny little (they are really small) trinkets to attach to your weapons. These come in different rarities and look pretty cool attached to your favourite burger-launching rocket launcher. How do you equip these Borderlands 3 trinkets? Well, it is quite easy but something you won’t really discover at first glance.

Borderlands 3 trinkets

In our inventory, there is a small block next to each equipped weapon. This is your trinket slot. Simply select it, choose a trinket and you are done. Trinkets also stay there so you can swap your weapons around and you won’t need to go and equip them again.

Extra Weapon and Item Slots

You will most likely spend a good amount of time with Borderlands 3 before you realize you can’t equip much in the locked slots. The game takes its good old time making all its features available to you including extra weapon slots, class mods and the artefact slot. So when do you unlock these?

Borderlands 3 weapon skins

Well, without spoiling any story-related quests, here’s the order: Your third weapons slot will unlock after the 5th main mission. The Class Mod slot after the 6th mission. The fourth weapon slot after the 10th mission, and the Artifact Slot after the 16th mission. In a nutshell, your character won’t be fully capable of being a badass until well into the game.

Respec Your Character

Not happy with how your build turned out? Well, unlike real life you can reset it. Respeccing your Borderlands 3 character is as easy as past games and will cost you more and more money the more you do it.

Borderlands 3 respec

Simply head over to the QuickChange machine and right at the bottom there is a “respec” option. After doing so, it will reset all currently-earned skill points and let you build your character up from the start. This is great if you are getting bored with your current build and want to try something fresh.

We are sure there is a lot more the game does not tell you but so far this is the most important. The rest you will learn as you progress through the giant campaign. In case you missed it, check out our unboxing of the epic Borderlands 3 Diamond Loot Chest Collector’s Edition.

Marco is the owner and founder of GLITCHED. South Africa’s largest gaming and pop culture website. GLITCHED quickly established itself with tech and gaming enthusiasts with on-point opinions, quick coverage of breaking events and unbiased reviews across its website, social platforms, and YouTube channel.

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