When I am not sitting and playing triple-A games on a regular basis I am doing other things that I am embarrassed to talk about. I love playing Mystery Case Files, host an annual Just Dance party, and I kill it at SingStar. There I said it. I am free now and you can judge all you want but better to be living out in the open than inside a closet pretending you don’t love something when you actually do. video game guilty pleasures
This got me thinking, what embarrassing guilty pleasures do we all probably have that we never want to admit? I am sure we all have a few and these are some of them that I hate to talk about.
Just Dance
So I love Just Dance. I love it so much that I am always looking for reasons to host parties so we can all play it. I have a select few friends who I contact just when I feel like playing the game and then we arrange the evening, grab some wine, light some hookah, and dance until our legs cannot hold us anymore. This has been a thing of mine since I would say Just Dance 2013 when I fell in love with the game after playing the Xbox One version that made use of the Kinect. I am not kidding here, I am always looking for a reason to launch the game and dance to Ariana Grande and even that darn Tertis song that is one of the hardest things I have ever done.
If you thought Just Dance was bad then think again. Ever since I was a child I loved SingStar. It was that game that my entire family played together and everything from Britney Spears’ Toxic, to Dido – White Flag came blaring out of my house. No one could sing at all, but we did not care because it was SingStar and we all loved it. This has not changed since as I still enjoy bringing it with to get-togethers as the new versions that rely on the app make it possible that everyone can play it. While I still do enjoy the old-school microphones, this at least means more people can shatter windows.
Look and Find Games
Remember that stage where those “Look and Find games” were all targeted at adult gamers and especially moms? Well, I was part of that demographic and even though I am still in my twenties, I do enjoy sitting at my PC and playing through a Mystery Case Files. I find the stories to be awesome and the art style and puzzles go together so well. Some of these games I enjoy are filled with hidden objects that you have to search for and while you are at it you need to solve puzzles along the way. They are awesome and I recommend everyone tries them at least once. Some of these are Mystery Case Files, Midnight Castle, and anything my Big Fish Games really.
My Name is Mayo
What is My Name is Mayo do you ask? Well, being a complete trophy addict I love collecting PSN trophies and levelling up my profile. As you all know the rarest of rare trophy is the platinum and these are usually hard to get. My Name is Mayo, however, has a platinum trophy that sees you top a bottle of mayonnaise 10,000 times and long the way you earn trophies until you hit the platinum. I am pretty embarrassed to say that I did this the other day and I found it quite relaxing. Cheesing the easiest games is one of my guilty pleasures and I will not deny it but I have a platinum on Hannah Montana, Avatar: The Game, and now My Name is Mayo.
Candy Crush and Farmville
Last but not least I play Candy Crush. Okay, go ahead troll me in the comments section please but I kind of enjoy it. I also used to love games like Farmville on Facebook back when it was a dedicated gaming platform. I was petty addicted to Farmville 2 when it was released and used to spend hours on end playing the game. Pity that Facebook’s gaming focus died so quickly as it would still be a pretty awesome place to play those games.
So there you have things I hate to admit I do. What guilty pleasures to you partake in? This is an open platform and we welcome all sorts of people so be honest in the comment section below.