So it seems the leaked images “could” be fake. According to GamesRadar, who ran the image of the listings through Forensically’s image clone detection tool, the listing was originally from an indie Vikings exploration game Jotun. However, that does not mean Assassin’s Creed: Ragnarok is not real. Rumours of the game’s existence have been swirling for some time already and it is just a matter of time before Ubisoft shows it off. Will it be called “Ragnarok? Most likely not but it will be Vikings-related without a doubt.
Original Story
Ubisoft struggles to keep its games under wraps and this year’s Assassin’s Creed entry titled “Ragnarok” is no different. Two Assassin’s Creed: Ragnarok Special Editions have already leaked which includes a “Valhalla” and “Mjolnir” edition. The leaks were spotted on Amazon Germany and GameStop Italy accordingly.
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Recent rumours point to the upcoming Assassin’s Creed: Ragnarok being a launch title for both the PS5 and Xbox Series X later this year as Ubisoft plans on releasing the upcoming game for both current-gen and next-gen consoles.
According to insider information, Ragnarok will follow the creation of the Great Heathen Army and players will take the role of one of the close allies of Ragna Lodbrok. The playable character will also be an assassin this time unlike Odyssey and players will be able to make use of the hidden blade once again.
Assassin’s Creed: Ragnarok will also cover Great Britain, Norway, Finland, Sweden and Denmark into its map and make use of its own economy and a new customization system for the people living across it. The game’s Viking setting will tackle the troubles the people faced during the time while giving the story a typical “Assassin’s Creed” spin.
While the game has been leaked a couple of times already, Ubisoft has yet to confirm the existence of Ragnarok and its PS5 and Xbox Series X release so take everything you see and hear with a pinch of salt. We know the publisher loves its special editions so these sound accurate but don’t get your hopes up until we know more.