Some interesting new information has popped up online in regards to Battlefield 6 (which is not the game’s name). We know that the upcoming shooter is said to be the biggest and most ambitious Battlefield game ever created in the series and a new report suggests that players will be able to technically launch previous Battlefield games through the new shooter.
A new round of leaks that appeared online, of which been backed by a reliable source suggests that EA is building Battlefield 6 in a sort of “Master Chief Collection” approach. The report reveals that players will be able to use Battlefield 6 as a hub where they can boot up servers to play previous games such as 1942, Bad Company, Battlefield 3 and others.
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For example, players can launch into a server with teams such as Panzers vs M1 Abrams. These servers also include settings that change the core gameplay to fit older games such as not being able to sprint in Battlefield 1942 and the destruction from games such as Bad Company.
At this time, it is unclear whether or not Battlefield 6 will include these older games as a whole or just the assets and gameplay mechanics to make the matches “feel” like the older titles. By the sound of things, it could all be server-based and rely on different settings in order to make the experience feel like a different Battlefield game. With that being said, the core experience of the new game will remain intact.
Keep in mind that these are all rumours at this point. The source can’t explain exactly how this “hub” feature will work but the general idea is that the new game will act as the main stage for not only the new ambitious Battlefield 6 but also the previous titles too. If this is done through server settings then it may just work. But take this with a pinch of salt for now.
The source also confirms that Battlefield 6 will include a battle royale mode, a 128-player mode exclusive to PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X and maps including Wake Island, Metro, and Locker.
EA Games is reportedly getting ready to showcase Battlefield 6 in the next few weeks. Rumours claim that the game will debut in May with a full reveal set for June.
Source: Reddit