Best XP Farming Missions in Outriders

Best XP Farming Missions in Outriders – How to Level Up Your World Tier Fast

If you have completed the main campaign in Outriders and want to jump into the post-game grind then you are most likely looking for ways to farm XP. Thankfully, there are multiple ways to farm XP in Outriders so that you can hit that cap and start actually building a character and using those legendary weapons. We have found two of the best XP farming missions in Outriders.

Given that this Outriders XP farming method is related to an end-game story arc, we suggest you complete the game before continuing down this post to avoid spoilers. 

UPDATE – Added another method to max out World Tier levels

There are multiple Outriders XP farming methods that you can choose from but the best one will see you play through the story and repeat the fight against the Chrysaloid. This mission can reward you with up to 1700 XP no matter what World Tier you are on. This makes for an easy fight as players can set their game to World Tier 1 and power through the boss fight quite easily. Of course, you won’t get the best loot drops on this World Tier so we recommend cranking it up a bit if you are loot farming in Outriders.

Outriders XP Farming Mission Guide

  • Choose the first story point in the “Forest Enclave” mission
  • Set the game to World Tier 1
  • As soon as the fight against the Chrysaloid starts run towards the right-hand side and hide behind the circular rock formation. This avoids the Chrysaloid’s breath attack
  • Run out and shoot the monster’s heart and run back towards the rock for cover
  • Repeat this over and over again to farm for XP


Outriders XP Farming Mission

If you have not reached that point in the game and still want to farm XP in Outriders then you can also repeat the Payback mission in Rift Town. This is an early-game mission that is great for XP farming thanks to the mass number of enemies you will face throughout the short time. Here’s how to quickly power through it:

  • Head to Crossroads in Rift Town
  • Talk to Audrey Storm and replay the Payback quest
  • Players will see an “!” that signals the quest pick up location
  • Proceed to the Payback area and take out all of the enemies
  • Run up the hill and kill Reiner
  • Turn the quest in an Aubrey and pick it up again to repeat
    • This quest can be done on your max World Tier level. It is not too challenging and is great for solo play

Max Out World Tier in Outriders

If you want to max out your World Tier level in Outriders to unlock those last three legendary weapons then you can follow this guide. By the end of the campaign, you should be between World Tier 11-12. However, to get the weapons you need to max out at level 15 so a little grind is needed. This is best done by repeating a hunt. Here’s what to do.

  • Keep at least one hunt available for the end-game and pick it up. We recommend using the Bigjaw Hunt in the Quarry
  • Enter the area and try to avoid killing the smaller enemies while killing the boss. Try and keep at least one small enemy alive while you do this
    • If you kill all the enemies and the boss then the hunt will be completed
  • Once the boss is dead run around and collect all the loot
  • Once you have all the loot quickly pause the game and return to the lobby
  • Reenter the game and you will be placed at the start of the hunt again with all the enemies and the boss alive. Here you can repeat the same steps above to get the most XP


Another method

  • From the lobby, select story point “First City – Reach the other side of the river”
  • Progress through the two areas and kill all the enemies while you are at it. There are loads of enemies to kill in these areas
  • When you reach the bridge you will kill the Alpha and another massive wave of enemies
  • Once everything is dead, return to the lobby and select the “First City – Reach the other side of the river” story point and repeat the same process


So there you have it. The best XP farming missions in Outriders. Keep in mind that People Can Fly will most likely patch these XP gains if they get out of control but for now, they work pretty well.


Marco is the owner and founder of GLITCHED. South Africa’s largest gaming and pop culture website. GLITCHED quickly established itself with tech and gaming enthusiasts with on-point opinions, quick coverage of breaking events and unbiased reviews across its website, social platforms, and YouTube channel.

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