Beyond Good and Evil 2 Lacks Direction Playtesters Playtest Ubisoft
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Beyond Good and Evil 2 is Reportedly Still in Early Development

Fans hoping to see Beyond Good and Evil 2 anytime soon might have to wait a lot longer. According to a new report, the anticipated sequel is still in the ‘blocking phase’ of its development, meaning it’s still in the early stages. Between Ubisoft bolstering the project’s talent and external playtests yielding underwhelming feedback, it sounds like the road ahead is still a bumpy one for Beyond Good and Evil 2.

The report comes from Insider Gaming which states that Beyond Good and Evil 2 is still relatively early in development. The report claims that only a few small areas of the game currently exist with low-resolution textures, meaning it’s still quite far from its promised ambitious scope.

READ MORE – Ubisoft Says Beyond Good and Evil 2 is One of Its Most ‘Ambitious’ Games Yet

External playtesting began back in July this year, but it wasn’t until August that we actually got some proper feedback from playtesters. One tester stated that the game “lacked direction” in its current state and had “no idea what I was doing when playing.”

Beyond Good and Evil 2 seems to be going through quite a rough development process at the moment. The game was originally announced several years ago but only officially reappeared in the spotlight back in 2017. Since then, the project reportedly had to overcome multiple development hurdles as Ubisoft struggled to maintain a coherent vision. Even though we have some rough-looking pre-alpha gameplay to digest, it does little to actually tell players what they’re meant to be doing or achieving.

The CGI trailers have been pretty phenomenal so far, promising a fantastic story that will give us a bit of insight into the history of Jade, the protagonist of the first game. Pretty trailers aren’t enough to inspire confidence, though, and we really hope that Beyond Good and Evil 2 releases as a great video game despite its development problems.

Ubisoft hired former Blizzard lead writer Sarah Arrelano back in August, which is a good step in the right direction.

Source: Insider Gaming

Editor-in-Chief of Nexus Hub, writer at GLITCHED. Former writer at The Gaming Report and All Otaku Online. RPG addict that has wonderful nightmares of Bloodborne 2.

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