Boet Fighter released last month on Steam and after a rather rocky and unbalanced launch, Cali4Ways released multiple patches and updates for the game to add an easier difficulty and a checkpoint system. The game has now officially launched on iPhone and will be available on Android starting 6 December 2019. If you own an iPhone, you can experience the brawler on the go right now. The Boet Fighter iPhone and Android release mark the second rollout wave for the game as the developer plan on working on the PS4, Xbox One and Switch ports which will most likely release in the next couple of months.
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The official Boet Fighter page had this to say about the mobile launch;
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PAIN: Coming soon to both Apple and Android, boet! That’s raaght, charnas! At long last, whatever your mobaal devaace, BOET FIGHTER for MOBILE is about to klap it twaace, boet! Whether you’re a shaany daamond who can afford a fancy aahPhone, or a regular, common, garden variety Android peasant laak us, you charnas are all equal in our aahs. Which is whaah we’re launching aahPhone first, obviously!
BOET FIGHTER for aahPhone will be laav on the App Store from tomorrow – Thursday 28 November – and on the Google Play Store for Android next week Fraaday, December 06th.
The first level is FREE on both platforms. So you have no excuse not to klap it, and then tune all your charnas to urgently also klap it. After that, the full game (which you must definitely baah with actual money) is discounted to only R79! Saving Android users R20 off the recommended praace, and a whopping R18019,95 off the regular Apple praace! Bargains for days, boet!
Be ready charnas, because from tomorrow, BOET FIGHTER is bringing the faaght to your trousers, boet!
(PS, yes, boet, Macbook and console versions WILL be klapped, immediately after this phase. Soon… ish. Calm your tits.)
You can download Boet Fighter on iPhone from the App Store here and Android from the PlayStore starting 6 December. We will update you when Cali4Ways plans on rolling out the console port of the game.
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