It is no secret that Resident Evil fans were hoping for a Resident Evil 3 Remake or a next mainline entry into the survival-horror franchise, not to mention that Umbrella Corps didn’t go down all too well. When Capcom revealed Project Resistance, some fans became concerned about the game’s multiplayer roots, calling on Capcom to stick to what they know and deliver that single-player survival horror experience fans want.
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At the Tokyo Game Show 2019, Capcom revealed the first Project Resistance gameplay and that the game would indeed by an asymmetric multiplayer survival horror experience. Resident Evil fans have only seen limited gameplay footage and obviously they haven’t experienced the game for themselves.
Capcom producer Matt Walker has now responded to fan outcries in a series of tweets, explaining that Project Resistance is still a survival horror title and more.
[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”#1cb1ed” class=”” size=”22″] Been seeing a lot of people who are not pleased with the idea that we’re making Project Resistance. It’s totally valid that people want more of that quality core experience offered in RE2 and RE7. My take – we as a company need to continue to branch out and try to offer up new. Gameplay in addition to refining the experiences people expect from us. If we just continue to offer up the same thing over and over again, people will gradually lose interest with what we’re making.
Project Resistance offers up a really interesting way to do that. The mostImportant part? That it’s a great survival horror experience, if non-traditional. I think we confuse things when we make things related to IP that don’t actually stay true to the core spirit of the IP, but this project happily doesn’t fall into that trap. I can’t wait till the Closed beta to have more people actually play it and see how it is a refreshing new take, but very surely survival horror at its core. People who have played it have been positive, and I hope during CBT even more people will have fun playing it. [/perfectpullquote]
We will have to wait and see how the reception is from the Closed Beta for Project Resistance, which takes place between 4 and 7 October 2019, but it does sound as if Capcom is trying to appease Resident Evil fans while delivering the survival horror experience in a different package.
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Are you concerned about Project Resistance and what do you think about the response from Matt Walker? Check out the first gameplay trailer below and then share your thoughts with us in the comment section.
[su_youtube url=”” width=”1000″]