A new trailer for the upcoming Christopher Nolan biopic, Oppenheimer, has arrived online ahead of its release this July. The movie tells the true story of physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer who, with a team of scientists during the Manhattan Project, creates the deadly atomic bomb.
Director Christopher Nolan, best known for The Dark Knight trilogy, Inception and Interstellar, brings together a star-studded cast that includes Cillian Murphy as Oppenheimer as well as Emily Blunt, Robert Downey Jr., Matt Damon, Florence Pugh, Gary Oldman, Josh Hartnett, Rami Malek, Dane DeHaan, Casey Affleck, Kenneth Branagh and Jack Quaid, among many others.
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The latest description for Oppenheimer provided by Universal Pictures reads:
“The film is based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning book American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer by Kai Bird and the late Martin J. Sherwin. The film is produced by Emma Thomas, Atlas Entertainment’s Charles Roven and Christopher Nolan.”
Oppenheimer was filmed with a combination of IMAX 65mm and 65mm large-format film photography including sections in IMAX black and white analogue photography, making the first movie ever to utilise these filming methods.
It’s easy to see why many are excited for Oppenheimer, largely due to Nolan behind the camera. The director’s movies have all accumulated over $5 billion at the global box office and he’s often recognised as one of the best directors working in Hollywood. Nolan is also known for largely shooting his films using practical effects. During the filming of Oppenheimer, the team actually managed to simulate a nuclear exposion without CGI. Nolan explained in an interview with Total Film:
“I think recreating the Trinity test without the use of computer graphics was a huge challenge to take on. Andrew Jackson — my visual effects supervisor, I got him on board early on — was looking at how we could do a lot of the visual elements of the film practically, from representing quantum dynamics and quantum physics to the Trinity test itself to recreating, with my team, Los Alamos up on a mesa in New Mexico in extraordinary weather, a lot of which was needed for the film, in terms of the very harsh conditions out there — there were huge practical challenges.”
We don’t expect any less from someone who built a large rotating hallway to film one of Inception’s most breathtaking zero-gravity fight sequences without the use of CGI.
Oppenheimer releases in cinemas on 21 July 2023. You might want to book an IMAX ticket for this one. Check out the new trailer below:
Source: Universal Pictures