When the latest CS: GO update released, Valve almost gave me a heart attack. Those who played the original Counter-Strike or Condition Zero will have knowledge (or nightmares) about the Tactical Shield, an item that was the topic of discussion for years in the CS community. Some loved it and some hated it, while some just felt that it was more annoying than anything else. Now, Valve has brought the infamous Ballistic Shield back in CS: GO’s latest update.
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Thankfully, the Ballistic Shield isn’t in the regular game, but just in the battle royale Danger Zone. This should be great news for those who hated it back in the day, while those who did love it can play with it once again. The Ballistic Shield in CS: GO can be broken if you shoot it enough, while those wielding this metal tower aren’t able to shoot.
Check out the latest CS: GO patch notes below.
Danger Zone:
- Unlocked Ballistic Shield, Firebombs, and C4 as deployment perks.
- Fixed SVG files to load with consistent dimensions in different resolutions.
- Fixed a minor regression caused by molotov bouncing off sky surfaces.
- Fixed several exploits.
- Fixed spot where players could get hung up on train near A main.
- Fixed ladder on train closest to lower B entrance not being shift-walkable.
- Fixed some minor gaps in train cars.
- Added info_paradrop_denial entities to prevent paradrops from landing on top of the Kasbah towers.
- Fixed wall in Kasbah where bump mines fell through.
- Fixed hole in world at the bottom of the stepwell.
- Covered up a missing texture with roof edge models in the Kasbah.
- Added additional detail to some roof areas.
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What do you think about Valve bringing the infamous Ballistic Shield to CS: GO and would you like to see it added to the main game as well? Let us know in the comment section below.