Cuphead The Delicious Last Course DLC PS4

Cuphead Announced For PS4 and is Out Today

Cuphead now lives on all gaming platforms including the one that Microsoft claimed would never get it. That’s right. Cuphead is out today on PS4. Studio MDHR announced the news on the PlayStation Blog in a very special stop-motion announcement video. Co-Director Chad Moldenhauer expressed his excitement that PlayStation 4 owners can finally play one of this generation’s most unique run and gun games.

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[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”Co-Director Chad Moldenhauer ” link=”” color=”#F5E600″ class=”” size=”21″]Cuphead is a run and gun action game set in the fantastical land of the Inkwell Isles. In either single-player or local co-op, you play as Cuphead and Mugman as they seek to save themselves from The Devil by collecting the souls of massive, screen-filling bosses. While the game was heavily inspired by the arcade action titles of the ’80s and ’90s, something that we think makes Cuphead unique is that its visual style is inspired by the classic animated movies and cartoon shorts of the 1930s. [/perfectpullquote]

The studio also shared the news that the upcoming Delicious Last Course DLC will also arrive on PS4. However, by the sound of things, we still have a long wait before that happens. During an interview with Geoff Keighley, it was revealed that the DLC is taking longer than expected.

We also know there’s an animation in production at Netflix. However, that too is still a while away. At least we can celebrate the fact that everyone can now play Cuphead regardless of their gaming platform. In addition, when the DLC comes out it will be the same situation. We know there’s a lot of exciting Cuphead things on the horizon, we just have a while to wait before we can see and play it. For now, enjoy Cuphead on PS4.

You can find the game over on the PlayStation Store for R319

Marco is the owner and founder of GLITCHED. South Africa’s largest gaming and pop culture website. GLITCHED quickly established itself with tech and gaming enthusiasts with on-point opinions, quick coverage of breaking events and unbiased reviews across its website, social platforms, and YouTube channel.

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