The critically acclaimed Netflix anime series Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, based on the video game Cyberpunk 2077 from CD Projekt Red, was among one of the most popular animated television shows to debut this year. It’s popularity aside, it seems like there aren’t any current plans to push ahead with season 2, according to the series producer.
CD Projekt Red’s Japan country manager Satoru Honma told Japanese publication Famitsu that Cyberpunk: Edgerunners was meant to be a 10-episode standalone work, with no continuation in the form of a second season. This is par for the course with several anime projects as stories are often told in single, contained seasons rather than spanning multiple seasons.
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Honma explained that there were never any plans at Studio Trigger to develop a second season, but didn’t rule out that a follow-up might take a very different form:
“I personally would like to continue to work with Japanese studios to produce more anime in the future, partly because we have received very good feedback. However, just to be clear, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners was planned as a standalone work, so there’s no such thing as ‘we are actually working on Season 2 in the background’. Even if we could make more anime in the future, I don’t know if it would be Season 2 or something completely different.”
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners followed the story of David Martinez, a young college dropout who joins a group of Edgerunners as they take on various jobs and activities in the underbelly of Night City. David’s body is modified with a spinal implant device that allows him to move at lightning speeds.
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners told a story that neatly concluded by its finale, so it wouldn’t make sense for a second season to exist. If CD Projekt Red were to employ Trigger again to tell a different story in Night City, that might still be a possibility, but judging by the sound of Honma’s comments, it seems very unlikely that we’ll see more Edgerunners.
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners is currently available to stream on Netflix.
Source: Famitsu