DC Comics has introduced a brand-new superhero called the Monkey Prince who is heavily inspired by the Monkey King of Chinese mythology. The upcoming superhero will be part of an upcoming 12-page story called “The Monkey Prince Hates Superheroes.”
DC Comics says that the upcoming story will see Monkey Prince team up with Shazam to defeat both the evil Dr Sivana and a Chinese deer demon spirit.
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In a press release, DC Comic said:
“Debuting in a story written by award-winning writer Gene Luen Yang (Superman Smashes the Klan, Batman/Superman, New Super-Man) with art by Benard Chang (Teen Titans, Batman Beyond), Monkey Prince is inspired by the Monkey King, legendary hero of Chinese mythology and the classic tale, Journey to the West. In Yang and Chang’s original 12-page story, ‘The Monkey Prince Hates Superheroes,’ Monkey Prince battles and teams up with Shazam to defeat both the evil Dr. Sivana and a Chinese deer demon spirit.”
Monkey Prince Anthology
Monkey Prince is DC Comics’ own unique take on the popular Monkey King character who has been an icon in multiple movies and video games including the upcoming Black Myth: Wukong. DC Comics plans on publishing a special 1 in 25 Monkey Prince variant cover by Chang. This release will feature 10 anthology stories about other Asian superheroes when it releases in May 2021.
It will include stories that span across Batgirl Cassandra Cain, Green Lantern Tai Pham, Cheshire, Katan and other Asian superheroes and their variants.
“DC Festival of Heroes: The Asian Superhero Celebration is an incredible celebration anthology spotlighting DC’s past, present, and even future Asian super heroes, featuring some of the most dynamic Asian storytellers in and out of comics. Featuring an incredible cover by the team of DC Publisher and Chief Creative Officer, Jim Lee, and colorist Alex Sinclair, this anthology includes a foreword by activist and CNN and WSJ Online contributor, Jeff Yang, a selection of tribute pinups of DC’s Asian super heroes, plus an awesome variant cover featuring Cassandra Cain by artist Stanley ‘Artgerm’ Lau.”
Source: DC Comics