Dead Island 2 Review - A Hell-A-ish of a Good Time

Dead Island 2 – My Mailman Was a Zombie Lost and Found Guide

In Dead Island 2 you will come across a range of Lost and Found quests. These unique missions set you off on an easter egg hunt to try and find treasure left behind by the once-living. One of the earlier quests is the My Mailman Was a Zombie Lost and Found where players need to track down the houses a mailman went to in order to find a key to open a box by his delivery van.

In order to pick the My Mailman Was a Zombie Lost and Found quest up, you’ll need to find it in Bel Air. It spawns soon after you visit Beverly Hills for the first time. You’ll find the mail truck alongside the box and a note on Glitterati Road.

Dead Island 2 – My Mailman Was a Zombie Lost and Found

Return to Sender Note

Once you get the note and read it, you’ll discover that the mailman had to do a few more deliveries before he could clock off for the day. The delivery note mentions three locations. The key to this quest is simply finding all houses, investigating the delivery packages and ultimately, finding the key.

Dead Island 2 - My Mailman Was a Zombie Lost and Found Guide

Colt Swanson 70 Alpine Drive

The first house is actually quite close to the location where the My Mailman Was a Zombie Lost and Found is picked up. You’ll need to head into this spot pictured below on the map and make your way to Colt Swanson’s front gate area. Here, you’ll find the mailman’s trolley with the first batch of packages.

Mr. & Mrs. Doe 143 Glitterati Corner

Even though the note mentions the GOAT pen as the next spot, going there won’t do anything yet. Instead, head to the next spot on the map pictured below. You can get to this location by exiting out of Colt Swanson’s house on the side. Just to the left, you’ll see the next trolley with packages.

Dead Island 2 - My Mailman Was a Zombie Lost and Found Guide  

Tao, c/o The GOAT Pen 59 Alpine Drive

The last spot it the GOAT Pen. It is one of the central locations in Bel Air and is where the pool parties and bright RGB lights are found. As soon as you enter the front gate (where all the cars are parked), you’ll find the mailman walking about. Kill him, grab his keys and go get your treasure from his box.

Dead Island 2 - My Mailman Was a Zombie Lost and Found Guide

So that’s how to complete the Dead Island 2 – My Mailman Was a Zombie Lost and Found. We have also covered The Clean and Snatch Lost and Found here, Missing Laura here and Missing Davis here. Be sure to check those guides out.

Marco is the owner and founder of GLITCHED. South Africa’s largest gaming and pop culture website. GLITCHED quickly established itself with tech and gaming enthusiasts with on-point opinions, quick coverage of breaking events and unbiased reviews across its website, social platforms, and YouTube channel.

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