When the Limited Edition Death Stranding PS4 Pro was revealed the thing many would probably have noticed first is the awesome controller with it, which represents a baby jar or baby pod in the upcoming PS4 exclusive title. It is one of the best-looking (or creepiest) DualShock 4 controllers out there, but Kojima Productions and Sony aren’t stopping at the look. Hideo Kojima has revealed that the Death Stranding baby will communicate with you through the controller.
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Hideo Kojima didn’t share any additional information, such as what noises the Death Stranding baby will make or if it will actually speak to you or that BB’s voice coming out could be crying sounds. However, we do know that the Death Stranding baby will communicate with the player via the DualShock 4 controller. The speaker in the DualShock 4 is pretty underutilized by developers but it is an awesome feature that Kojima Productions are using to their advantage.
Hideo Kojima explained on Twitter that:
[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”#16EBD0″ class=”” size=”22″]By setting, you’ll be able to have BB’s voice coming out from this BBish controller[/perfectpullquote]
It remains to be seen if this setting will be available to all DualShock 4 controllers or just the Limited Edition one. It would be a bit of a waste if it was only for the Limited Edition Death Stranding PS4 Pro controller, as this type of feature is pretty cool and all DualShock 4 controllers from Sony have the functionality.
Death Stranding from Hideo Kojima releases on 8 November 2019 and you can read more about the Limited Edition PS4 Pro here in case you haven’t seen it.
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Are you a fan of utilizing the DualShock 4 speaker in games and what do you think about the idea of the Death Stranding baby communicating with the player via the controller? Let know in the comment section below.
[su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VykX9LHR9OE” width=”900″]