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Destiny 2 Cheat Creators Owe Bungie R200 Million

Veterancheats, LaviCheats and Elite Boss Tech have been found guilty of making and distributing cheats for Destiny 2. In a lawsuit that kicked off in August last year, Bungie took the domains to court over cheats developed for the popular shooter. The domain owners were found guilty in the violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and issued a fine of roughly $2,000 per download. In total, over 6,765 unique downloads were tracked for these Destiny 2 cheats totalling around $13.5 million worth of fines.

Bungie originally accused the defendants of breaching the copyright law in addition to other offences including fraud, money laundering, racketeering and violations of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.

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Cheats in video games aren’t a major deal unless these cheats are linked to online and live-service titles. Companies spend millions of dollars every year defending their games from cheat programs and Bungie has had a strong stance against the since the launch of the original Destiny game back in 2014.

Bungie says that the latest batch of cheats was “exorbitantly expensive” to keep at bay. The original case against these domains was initially meant to go to trial but the court reached a consensus even before the defendants could have a say. The defendants have accepted the liability for the creation and distribution of the cheat software. In addition, they agreed that the infringement was willful and their cheat software was designed to bypass measures implemented by Bungie to control access to the game.

This latest case simply adds to the other handful of lawsuits ongoing in the gaming industry related to cheating software. Activision, for example, is often in court fighting lawsuits pertaining to its Call of Duty series and cheat makers who keep designing software to bypass the game’s anti-cheat software.

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Source: TorrentFreak

Marco is the owner and founder of GLITCHED. South Africa’s largest gaming and pop culture website. GLITCHED quickly established itself with tech and gaming enthusiasts with on-point opinions, quick coverage of breaking events and unbiased reviews across its website, social platforms, and YouTube channel.

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