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Destiny 2 Suffers 8-Hour Downtime After Bungie Erases Player Data

Bungie was having a rough time last night after Destiny 2 went offline for maintenance and then came back online with player’s in-game currency and key upgrades deleted from their accounts. Bungie rolled out a new Destiny 2 update for the FPS MMO last night at around 19:00 CAT which only took an hour of downtime before coming back online. Players then began to report missing items in their inventory including currency and key upgrade materials. Bungie then pulled the game offline for “emergency maintenance”.

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Players reported missing Glimmer (the game’s money), infusion materials, cosmetic items and even missing Bright Dust (something players need to grind for in order to unlock overpriced in-game purchases). Basically, countless hours of work was wiped from player accounts across the globe.

Bungie then tweeted that Destiny 2 had been taken offline for emergency maintenance as they “test a fix”. This process took much longer than everyone expected as the game then remained offline for 8 hours. Bungie then tweeted that they had to roll back player data in order to fix the mess this meant any progress made before the servers were taken offline for the emergency maintenance was lost. However, players then reported that their currency was back to normal and Silver purchases were restored.

One cannot help but feel like Bungie was better off when Activision was on board. Since the publisher and developer parted ways, the game has been suffering. If its not untested patches being released which ends up breaking the game, it is boring seasonal content with nothing exciting to draw you back to the fight. As an avid Destiny 2 player, the downtime last night did not affect me because while the game was offline, there’s nothing to do in it anyway.

Marco is the owner and founder of GLITCHED. South Africa’s largest gaming and pop culture website. GLITCHED quickly established itself with tech and gaming enthusiasts with on-point opinions, quick coverage of breaking events and unbiased reviews across its website, social platforms, and YouTube channel.

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