The sequel to Pokemon: Detective Pikachu is finally moving forward after Legendary Entertainment confirmed that it still had plans to develop a follow-up. A director and writer are now currently in negotiations to helm the project. Additionally, actor Ryan Reynolds will also reportedly return for Detective Pikachu 2 and “will have some part to play” though it’s unclear if he’ll once again voice Pikachu.
As reported by Deadline, Portlandia co-creator Jonathan Krisel is in talks to direct Detective Pikachu 2 with screenwriter Chris Galletta being approached to write the script. Galletta is best known for writing the 2013 coming of age movie The Kings of Summer while Krisel is also credited for writing and directing the FX comedy series Baskets starring Zach Galifianakis.
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The first Pokemon: Detective Pikachu movie was released in 2019. Directed by Rob Letterman, the adaptation was based on Nintendo’s beloved Pokemon franchise and starred Justin Smith, Kathryn Newton and Ryan Reynolds as the voice of Pikachu. The movie received mostly positive reviews and is regarded as one of the better live-action video game movie adaptations on the market.
Smith previously stated that he didn’t think a sequel would happen but it looks like plans have changed. We don’t know any more details about the movie since the script hasn’t been written yet, so it’s possible that Smith may or may not reprise his role as the lead human character, Tim Goodman. Reynolds is the only actor seemingly expected to return and it makes sense as his voice work for Pikachu was one of the most praised aspects of the live-action movie. However, it’s unclear if he’ll actually play Pikachu again in the sequel or play another part.
Nothing is set in stone at the moment and plans could change between now and release. We’ll have to wait for Legendary Entertainment to provide an official update.
Source: Deadline