Something impressive, yet somewhat concerning happened over the weekend in the world of Dota 2 esports. The OpenAI team (filled with AI opponents) managed to defeat OG. The International 2018 champions, in case you didn’t know, are back on form with the return of Ana and they are looking quite strong. Not strong enough, however, to stand a chance against OpenAI. Let me be the first to say, I, for one, welcome our new AI overlords.
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The OpenAI team managed to decimate OG in a best-of-three series with a 2-0 victory and they made it look like a pub-stomp. The first game ended with a score of 46-6 and a 40k gold lead for the AI masterminds. It looked like the OpenAI team just played around with The International 2018 champions killing heroes next to the fountain while waiting for creeps to destroy the Ancient because kill/death ratio matters.
The OpenAI five has been in training for a few years now and after a lot of practice and going through millions of matches in a short time period like just AI can, they have started racking up the wins. In the past few months, they have managed to beat SG Esports, Team Lithium, Alliance and now, finally, OG.
Another cool thing is that after the match against OG completed, the CEO of OpenAI made a special announcement, which you can view below.
Special announcement: we’re inviting the entire Internet to play OpenAI Five (whether as a competitor or teammate) at once.
Sign up today! Very excited to see what we learn from observing OpenAI Five in the wild.
— Greg Brockman (@gdb) April 13, 2019
The match between OG and this incredible team of AI bots had a live audience, casters and some great production value. Keep in mind that there was an alternate ruleset in play as the team could pick two variations in the draft. Further, it wasn’t the standard Dota 2 esports Captain’s Mode and players couldn’t use a Divine Rapier, illusions or summons, and they also couldn’t scan.
The AI is still learning and evolving and maybe one day we will see them play a straight up Captain’s Mode draft game against a top tier team.
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Check out the highlights as compiled by Dota 2 Digest below or for the full five-hour Steam, head on over to OpenAI’s channel, then tell us what you think about this achievement by these AI bots in the comments below.
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