Dragon Age: The Veilguard – How to Romance Neve

Dragon Age: The Veilguard has been out for a few days and players jumping into BioWare’s latest RPG probably want to know how to romance their favourite companions. In this guide, we’ll take a look at how to romance Neve Gallus, one of the first companions that you recruit in the early game and what you need to do in order to win her highest approval.

Like Mass Effect‘s Tali and Garrus romance, BioWare has made it so that companions who aren’t romanced by your player character, Rook, will eventually get together with another companion. In this case, if you choose not to romance Neve, she will inevitably pair with Lucanis. In order to avoid that happening (and trust us, it’s very easy to slip up), here’s a breakdown on how to successfully romance Neve.

Neve Gallus is an intelligent human mage and detective of the Shadow Dragons faction. She joins your party in the opening mission of the game. The first major decision you’ll probably make as Rook involves choosing Neve or Harding to accompany you to drop a structure and interrupt Solas’ ritual. If you choose either companion, you’ll immediately gain a significant approval boost. For this reason, you’ll probably want to pick Neve to get a big early approval boost.

Thereafter, Neve will appear injured with bruises on her face and a scar. These bruises subside over time, though. Regardless, it’s still possible to initiate your romance with Neve from this point onwards.

How to Romance Neve in Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Dragon Age The Veilguard How to Romance Neve


Neve is quick-thinking, attentive and takes her detective work seriously. To get on her wave length, you’ll probably want to pick dialogue options that are straight-forward, stoic or serious as well. If you choose Shadow Dragons as your starting faction, you’ll unlock a bit of unique dialogue with Neve so keep that in mind. She dislikes indecisiveness or a lax attitude and appreciates when Rook chooses to save or spare people, especially if you’re sympathetic towards Minrathous, Neve’s home town, and its citizens.

Whenever flirty dialogue options pop up (indicated by the heart), choose those to continue your romantic pursuit with Neve and show her that you’re interested in a relationship.

Neve’s Quests

To progress Neve’s romance, you’ll need to complete her questline. There are several quests involved in Neve’s personal questline and they’re all required to romance her. Make sure you complete her quests before progressing certain main quest beats as they’ll be locked if you progress too far. Make Neve’s quests a priority whenever they appear. Her questline involves the following:

  • A Study of Dock Town
  • The Cobbled Swan Case
  • Chasing Leads
  • A Clear Mind
  • Keep A Light On
  • The Returned Cultist Case

Key Decisions

There are a handful of key decisions you’ll need to make during the main quests for Dragon Age: The Veilguard, assuming you’ve also been completing her personal quests as they became available.

  • During the quest A Warden’s Best Friend, you’re given the option to travel to either Minrathous or Treviso to lend aid. It’s important that you choose Minrathous here. If you choose Treviso, Neve will disappear from the Lighthouse and only re-appear after recruiting Taash and Emmrich. Her status will change to ‘hardened’, meaning it will be much more difficult to improve her Bond Rank going forward. We recommend choosing to save Minrathous.
  • After the quest The Siege of Weisshaupt, you’ll need to choose the dialogue option ‘I want to be there for you.’ This won’t lock in your romance with Neve but it is a vital dialogue choice. After this, reload the Lighthouse and speak to Neve again. Choose the dialogue option ‘I like surprising you’ to express your romantic interest in her, though she won’t give you a direct answer just yet.
  • To lock in your romance with Neve, you’ll need to do the quest A Clear Mind. During this quest, you’ll have several options to cut off your romance with Neve but you’ll need to choose ‘I’m here, no matter what’ in order to secure your relationship.

Do Not…

If you plan on romancing Neve in Dragon Age: The Veilguard, it’s important that you don’t do the following:

  • Don’t try and pursue romantic relationships with other companions. From our experience, you can flirt with other companions in the first few hours but eventually, your romantic interest will catch on and you might accidentally end up losing them. If you’re determined to just romance one companion, it’s best not to flirt with anyone else except them.
  • Don’t avoid Neve’s personal quests. They’re important for progressing your romance with her.
  • Don’t choose dialogue options that can cut off your romance. These are very clear during dialogue moments with a heart in your wheel. Always choose the heart option. Any other choice will probably result in Neve losing interest in you.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard is now available on PS5, Xbox Series X/S and PC. Catch up on all the latest Dragon Age news right here.

Editor-in-Chief of Nexus Hub, writer at GLITCHED. Former writer at The Gaming Report and All Otaku Online. RPG addict that has wonderful nightmares of Bloodborne 2.

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