Bandai Namco has shared new details on the upcoming Dragon Ball: The Breakers game in a new trailer. In addition, the publisher has detailed the closed beta test that players can sign up for ahead of time. For those who don’t know, Dragon Ball: The Breakers is an upcoming 7 v 1 survival game that follows 7 average players trying to survive an onslaught brought on by one overpowered raider.
If anything, Dragon Ball: The Breakers is a completely new direction for the series and is unlike anything we have seen from the developer to date. The Dragon Ball: The Breakers closed beta will focus on a survival mode which is detailed in the video below.
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Dragon Ball: The Breakers is set to release sometime in 2022 for PS4, Xbox One and PC. However, in early December Bandai Namco is hosting a closed beta test for the game. You can sign up for a chance to participate in the test by visiting either the North America site here or the Europe site here. If you’re from SA, you’ll want to choose the EU site. The beta dates are as follows:
- 3 December – 6PM-10 PM PDT / 04:00 CET – 08:00 CET
- 4 December – 12/4 4AM-8AM PDT / 14:00 CET – 18:00 CET
- 4 December – 10AM-2PM PDT / 20:00 CET – 00:00 CET
- 4 December – 6PM-10 PM PDT / 04:00 CET – 08:00 CET
The official Dragon Ball: The Breakers game description doesn’t really explain much when it comes to the gameplay so rather watch the gameplay down below.
“Caught in an unexpected temporal phenomenon, seven ordinary citizens find themselves stranded in a Temporal Seam: they share their imprisonment with the Raider, a menacing enemy from another timeline with an overwhelming power.
Their only hope for survival is to break out from the Temporal Seam with the Super Time Machine, but the Raider is on their tracks and becomes stronger by the minute. In a race against time the cunning of Survivors clashes with the power of the Raider, to break free or be broken.”