Last month, we covered a story about an Elden Ring streamer called MissMikaa who managed to beat two Malenias simultaneously while using both a controller and a dance pad. The streamer has now upped the challenge for herself by switching to an acoustic guitar to try and beat the game.
MissMikaa recently beat one of Elden Ring‘s first major bosses and challenges, Margit the Fell Omen, using nothing but an acoustic guitar. The streamer explained how this works, stating, “I’m using a software called AbjectAudioInputs to keybind frequencies from the guitar into keyboard and mouse actions! Just need to hit the right frequency when playing the chords, it’s really hard hahaha.”
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MissMikaa elaborated in a recent interview with Eurogamer that using chords only meant that multiple frequencies would get picked up as a result:
“Using single notes however was much more consistent. Therefore I isolated several chords which did not have overlapping frequencies and mixed them with single notes as actions in the game. I ended up with around seven chords and six notes, but this may change with time.”
The streamer first gained attention when she managed to beat Elden Ring‘s toughest bosses using only one hand. She then moved onto the impressive feat of beating the game using a controller and dance pad at the same time on two different playthroughs of the game, culminating in her defeating two Malenias simultaneously.
It’s already insanely impressive to watch Elden Ring speedrunners plough through the game in the fastest times possible, but when players get creative and use things like synced guitars to beat the challenging From Software game, we’re always left in awe.
In related news, From Software recently broke down the mech customisation and story details about its upcoming action game, Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon.
Elden Ring is currently available for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S and PC.
Source: MissMikaa