A live-action TV show based on the Eragon book series is currently in development at Disney+. The young adult fantasy novels, written by Christopher Paolini, began publication in the early 2000s when the author was just 15 years old. It received a critically divisive movie adaptation in 2006, though it looks like Disney is ready to give it the proper adaptation treatment with an extensive TV show.
As reported by Deadline, the live-action Eragon TV series will be co-written by Paolini himself. Eragon is the first book in The Inheritance Cycle series, which tells the story of a young farmboy named Eragon who discovers an egg that hatches into the dragon Saphira. Throughout the saga, Eragon learns to become a Dragon Rider, an ancient order that was previously wiped out by the evil king Galbatorix.
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The previous movie not only received a divisive reception, but performed under expectations at the box office, earning $250 million worldwide on a budget of $100 million. It didn’t help that it released during an era in the mid-2000s where studios were rushing to produce fantasy epics hoping to capitalise on the success of Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Fan outcry led to the hashtag #EragonRemake trending on social media, asking Disney to reboot the beloved book series.
As if that wasn’t enough, Disney is also currently working on a TV series adaptation/reboot of Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson novels. That, too, received mildly disappointing movie adaptations. Hopefully, Disney gives these fantasy books the treatment they deserve, as the source material – especially for Eragon – is great and lends itself well to cinematic adaptations.
It’s unclear when the Eragon series will move ahead at Disney, but we’ll surely learn more about the project in the coming months.
Source: Deadline