Actor Bruce Campbell has shared the first look at the upcoming Evil Dead movie sequel, titled Evil Dead Rise. The image posted on his social media accounts shows a creepy woman (possibly a Deadite), but we have nothing else to go on yet. The long-awaited sequel is expected to hit cinemas next year, on 21 April 2023.
Evil Dead Rise will follow the story of two estranged sisters, played by Alyssa Sutherland and Lily Sullivan, who have to contend with the rise of Deadites, flesh-possessing demons, as they fight for survival. It’s unclear if Campbell will appear in the movie, but he will be a co-executive producer alongside Sam Raimi, who directed the original Evil Dead trilogy.
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New Line Cinema and Ghost House Pictures are among the production companies involved, with Warner Bros. Pictures distributing it to cinemas next year. Lee Cronin, best known for directing 50 States of Fright and The Hole in the Ground, will write and direct Evil Dead Rise. Sutherland and Sullivan will be joined by a supporting cast that includes Gabrielle Echols, Morgan Davies, Nell Fisher and Mia Challis.
Warner Bros. Pictures provided a synopsis of Evil Dead Rise:
“In the fifth Evil Dead film, a road-weary Beth pays an overdue visit to her older sister Ellie, who is raising three kids on her own in a cramped L.A. apartment. The sisters’ reunion is cut short by the discovery of a mysterious book deep in the bowels of Ellie’s building, giving rise to flesh-possessing demons, and thrusting Beth into a primal battle for survival as she is faced with the most nightmarish version of motherhood imaginable.”
Raimi originally directed a trilogy of Evil Dead movies consisting of 1981’s The Evil Dead, 1987’s Evil Dead II and 1992’s Army of Darkness. A more horror-centric remake was directed by Fede Alvarez in 2013. It’s unclear if Evil Dead Rise will have anything to do with the aforementioned titles.
Evil Dead Rise releases in cinemas on 21 April 2023.
Source: Bruce Campbell