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Far Cry 6 – Ubisoft May Have Finally Created a Great Villain Worth Hating

Ever since Far Cry 3, Ubisoft struggled to recreate a great villain in the series. Vaas was just insane and his drive to insanity was backed by layers of mental issues and a damaged past. We then Pagen who was meh, Joseph Seed who had very little screen presence and barely said anything at all. Not to mention the two angry twins Mickey and Lou from New Dawn. Don’t even get me started on Ubisoft’s poor attempt to make them relevant. However, Far Cry 6 is happening and Ubisoft could have a new wonderful bad man villain for us to love and hate.

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Far Cry 6 follows President Anton Castillo played by none other than Giancarlo Esposito and is the villain in the upcoming game. In a new blog post, the developer went into detail about his role in the game and how the studio worked on fleshing him out.

Ubisoft explained that going back to the tropics gave them an opportunity to not only bring back the classic game’s aesthetic but also build on Anton’s tyranny. Anton Castillo wants to take the island back to the way it was 50 years ago but there’s a catch. He will do this at any cost and enslave those who are against him to work as forced labour.

anton castillo Far Cry 6 Ubisoft

The dynamic of the beautiful island with vintage cars and its “living postcard” appeal in contrast to Anton Castillo and his overwhelming oppression was important for Ubisoft to portray. The developer claims it was important to portray an island that was cut off from the rest of the world for over 5o years. This idea ties into not only the antagonist but his followers too. There was an economic downturn and people elected him as a leader to build a new paradise. Anton has lulled the people of Yara over into believing he is the answer for them. He was the one that would solve all their problems.

Ubisoft claims there are two types of believers on the island. Those who voted for him and still stand by his side and those who regret the choice. This stories will act as a backbone to many of the characters you meet in the game.

anton castillo Far Cry 6 Ubisoft

But the important aspect of Far Cry 6 is Anton’s rise to an iron fist. According to Ubisoft, Anton is a cold and ruthless man. His father was executed 50 years prior to the game. This event shaped him and his family. Anton, while charismatic and intelligent has had his world view distorted and is now able to do things he believes is right. Even though these actions are weird, pervasive and with twisted logic. Anton believes not only the Castillo family deserve to be in power but they are also the only family capable of turning Yara back to the paradise it was once before.

[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”#F50000″ class=”” size=”21″]He’s in charge of the country; he believes he’s doing the right thing by enslaving his population. But you take someone like that, and then you couple that with having a teenage son – Diego is 13 years old – and I think, for us, that’s something that Far Cry has never really had. It allows for a complex dynamic.[/perfectpullquote]

You can read the full Ubisoft Far Cry 6 villain blog post here. In addition, check out the announcement trailer down below and everything you need to know about the game here. Far Cry 6 launches on 28 February 2021 for PS5, Xbox Series X, PS4, Xbox One and PC.

Marco is the owner and founder of GLITCHED. South Africa’s largest gaming and pop culture website. GLITCHED quickly established itself with tech and gaming enthusiasts with on-point opinions, quick coverage of breaking events and unbiased reviews across its website, social platforms, and YouTube channel.

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