Square Enix has partnered up with French animation studio Cyber Group to work on a Final Fantasy IX animated series. According to Kidscreen, the show is aiming to cater for kids between the age of 8-13 years old. In addition, Cyber Group are also handling the worldwide distribution of the show including merchandise. Pierre Sissman, CEO of Cyber Group Studios says that “games have a strong co-viewing potential.” He adds that for those who know Final Fantasy IX, this will act as a way to immerse themselves in the universe they love. For newcomers, the show is a way to introduce the universe to viewers.
According to the report, Cyber Group has put the finishing touches on a project bible. The production of the Final Fantasy IX animation is set to kick off at the end of 2021 or early 2022. It is unclear yet how many episodes the show will have.
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Very little is know about the Final Fantasy IX animated series at this point. We don’t know if Cyber Group is focusing on recreating the game’s original story or if they are creating a unique story for the show. Cyber Group is known for its animated series including properties like Tom Sawyer and Zorro. The studio also worked on the Mini Ninjas animated series back in the day. Of which, it was also produced by Square Enix.
It is also strange to have the studio focus on Final Fantasy IX in specific. We are not complaining but the series does have more popular entries that might be a lot more child friendly. It is interesting to see how this turns out. The game originally launched back in 2000 and sold over 5 million copies. It has released multiple times on mobile and there’s even a remastered version available on current hardware.
Final Fantasy IX focused on the kingdom of Alexandria and follows the story of a band of thieves who set out to kidnap the princess. Things go south and they end up trying to save the world from Kuja.
Source: Kidscreen