Square Enix has announced a new expansion coming to Final Fantasy XIV Online called “Endwalker”. The content marks the first major expansion to arrive in the game since 2019. Along with Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker, Square Enix shared new details on the PS5 version of the game alongside a beta which kicks off in early April.
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Take a look at the fancy reveal trailer down below:
Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker will see players journey to Thavnir, the imperial capital of Garlemald. Players will also get to visit the moon. The new expansion also brings with it new jobs including the Sage, a level cap increase from 80 to 90, new Dungeons and a new Alliance Raid Series.
Matt Hilton, community director at Square Enix shared the news on the PlayStation Blog saying:
Alisaie and Alphinaud (finally!) get their turn in the spotlight, and it looks like Alphinaud changed jobs for the occasion. The Warrior of Light seems to have shaken off the darkness from Shadowbringersand is sporting some well-worn Paladin armor as well—but we can’t ignore the fact that he’s on the moon! There is a lot packed into that teaser, but we still have much more to share.
Endwalker will feature the climax of the long-running Hydaelyn and Zodiark story arc, which is not only exciting for our veteran players but also means it’s a great time for new players to jump in and enjoy the amazing story leading up to Endwalker’s release. The rundown of the content includes:
- Journey to Thavnair, the imperial capital of Garlemald, and even the Moon!
- New Jobs: Sage and more
- Level Cap Increase from 80 to 90
- Expansive new areas, including Garlemald, Thavnair, and the city of Radz-at-Han.
- A New Tribe: the Arkasodara
- New threats, including Anima.
- New Dungeons
- Secrets Revealed in a New Alliance Raid Series
- New Small-scale PvP Mode
- An Additional “Trust” ally: Estinien Wyrmblood
- A New Residential District: Ishgard
- Updates to the Gold Saucer
- Relaxing Fun in Island Sanctuary
- New Gear and Crafting Recipes
- Expanded Horizons via the Data Center Travel System
As for Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker on PSs5, players can expect a vastly improved version of the game compared to the PS4. This includes improved frame rates, faster load times, 4K resolution, shaper UI and more. Square Enix says that players who own the PS4 version can upgrade to the PS5 version at no additional cost.
New players can also jump into the game through the trial option that lets them enjoy the base game as well as two expansions. However, there’s an open beta for the PS5 version of the game kicking off on 13 April 2021 so users on the console can experience the game before its release later this year. Both the PS5 and PS4 version of Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker is set to release sometime in Fall (Spring here).
Here’s a video showcasing the PS5 version:
Source: PS Blog