Square Enix and developer Luminous Productions have announced the first story DLC for Forspoken titled In Tanta We Trust. The expanded content will serve as a prequel to the events of the main game and once again follows Frey as she journeys back into the past to before Athia’s devastation. The DLC is scheduled to release on 26 May.
Despite the game’s divisive reception at launch, Forspoken is still pushing ahead with its first batch of story DLC that will focus on expanding the history of Athia. This time, Frey is transported 25 years into the past to the Purge of the Rheddig, the legendary battle that brought Athia to ruin and drove the Tantas insane. Frey will be equipped with new magical abilities in the DLC though no exact details were revealed yet about it.
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The official plot description of Forspoken‘s In Tanta We Trust reads:
“The Forspoken ‘In Tanta We Trust’ story downloadable content will serve as a prequel to the main game and takes place 25 years prior the events of Forspoken. Continuing her search for a way to eradicate the Break from Athia once and for all, Frey finds herself following a mysterious voice that leads her to a place that somehow transports her to the Purge of the Rheddig, the legendary battle that devastated Athia and eventually drove the Tantas to madness. Accompanied by Tanta Cinta and a new set of magical abilities, Frey must uncover the answers and save Athia once more—and attempt to save herself.”
Luminous Productions may have future plans for Forspoken after all if this is the first batch of story DLC planned for the game. Hopefully some feedback was taken into account from the base game’s release and we can expect improvements in the new story content in terms of gameplay and writing.
Forspoken is currently available for PS5 and PC. In Tanta We Trust launches on 26 May 2023.
Source: Forspoken Twitter