Fortnite Party Royale will be hosting a range of popular DJs this coming weekend including Dillon Francis, Steve Aoki, and deadmau5. The celebrations will kick-off at 03:00 SAT on 10 May 2020 which is not the best time for South Africans to be jumping into Fortnite. However, if you do log in between midnight on 9 May and 16:00 on 11 May, you will receive a music-reactive Neon Wings Back Bling cosmetic for free.
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According to Epic Games, players can log into the Fortnite Party Royale mode between 03:00 and 04:00 in order to catch any of the three DJs. In addition, a repeat show will take place on 10 May from 20:00 South African time. Unlike past concerts, players can jump into the mode at any time and join the party.
For those who don’t know, the new Fortnite Party Royale mode is a brand-new map in the game. In addition, there’s no weapons or building allowed. It is just one big party island where players can compete in vehicle trials and play mini-games with friends.
The latest Fortnite Party Royale concert includes Dillon Francis, Steve Aoki, and deadmau5. Last week. the developer hosted a special Travis Scott show which saw millions of players jump into the game. The best time for South African Fornite players to jump into the Party Royale Dillon Francis, Steve Aoki, and deadmau5 concert would be at 20:00 on 10 May.