Genshin Impact Resin

Genshin Impact Resin Changes Announced and They Are Not Helpful at all

One major problem with Genshin Impact is its Resin. This in-game currency unlocks rewards from world bosses, Ley Lines and Domains. Anyone who has hit Adventure Rank 20 would know that these activities are the easiest, and sometimes the only way to earn crafting and upgrade materials for weapons and characters. The Genshin Impact fan base has been fighting MiHoYo for weeks now to change the Resin system.

You see, up to now, players have 120 Resin at a cap. It takes 20-60 to open certain rewards in certain activities. However, once the resource has run out, there’s no way to get more unless you convert some using Primogems, another rare currency bought with real money or grinded for, or using a Fragile Moon which is an extremely rare item. This means that the game locks players out of the game’s most rewarding activities for most of the day as it takes around 15 hours or so to refill your 120 Resin cap back to max.

It gets worse for dedicated players who have played the game for since launch and have run out of missions and activities to complete in order to get Primogems to purchase Resin. Developer MiHoYo is making changes to the Genshin Impact Resin system but they seem to have taken one step forward and two steps back. In the latest patch notes, the developer announced an increase to the Resin cap from 120 to 160. However, refilling this resource after you have completed your activities for the day takes 21 hours.


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This means players can come on for 20 minutes a day, complete some boss fights and domains and have to wait until the next day to get more Resin. Or you could just spend money on it. In addition, MiYoHo has now changed the weekly Resin bounty amount to 1200 meaning players need to come onto the game every single day and use their 160 Resin else they won’t be able to complete the bounty. Miss a day and you will either have to pay to refill your stock or kiss the bounty completion goodbye.

The patch notes read;

Q: I never have enough Original Resin, which makes it difficult to complete various daily tasks and the weekly Battle Pass Missions.

A: In Version 1.1, we have decreased the Original Resin requirement in Battle Pass Weekly Missions from 1,600 to 1,200. Furthermore, Travelers will be able to store up to a maximum of 160 Original Resin (increased from the current limit of 120).

While Genshin Impact Resin is not a problem for the early parts of the game, the game’s upgrade requirements get costly as soon as you hit Adventure Rank 35. This makes the higher-level content rewarding but at a high cost. Not to mention time-consuming due to the time gates. In addition, the developer is not making changes to the refresh rate of the Resin either which means you can just hold more but it does not refill any faster.

I for one loved Genshin Impact at launch. However, I hit rank 35 and have slowly lost interest. There’s very little to do and what you can do is limited to your Resin. It makes the game a 20-minute-a-day experience compared to 5-6 hours it was at launch.

Marco is the owner and founder of GLITCHED. South Africa’s largest gaming and pop culture website. GLITCHED quickly established itself with tech and gaming enthusiasts with on-point opinions, quick coverage of breaking events and unbiased reviews across its website, social platforms, and YouTube channel.

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