Ghost of Tsushima from Sucker Punch and Sony finally has a release window as announced at The Game Awards 2019 after a teaser at Sony’s final State of Play of 2019. PS4 owners will be able to jump into the boots of protagonist Jin Sakai on Tsushima Island in the late 13th century during the first Mongol invasion of Japan. Now, we have a release window and an awesome new trailer for Ghost of Tsushima.
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First up, the release window for Ghost of Tsushima is “Summer 2020” which is sometime in Winter here in South Africa. At the time of writing, a specific release date has not been revealed but we know that it will be a PS4 exclusive (always a chance it comes to the PS5 as well) and that it looks absolutely incredible in the new trailer which you can view at the bottom of this article.
Ghost of Tsushima will be the biggest game developer Sucker Punch has ever made, by a “wide margin”. The trailer showcases some amazing, vibrant environments, brutal action, stealth and a bow with flaming arrows. It simply looks incredible.
The talks about the game and the new Ghost of Tsushima trailer:
at Sucker Punch, Andrew Goldfarb,[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”#33FFFD” class=”” size=”20″] Today, we debuted a brand-new trailer that delves deeper into the identity our hero is forced to adopt in order to save his home: The Ghost. While Jin starts our game as a samurai, he’ll learn skills and adopt tactics that are decidedly not samurai-like, and you can get a small taste in the footage we revealed today.
In the months ahead, we’ll share more about Jin, the threats he faces, the allies that help him along his journey, and what he’ll have to give up to become this new kind of warrior. As I mentioned, Ghost of Tsushima is huge – the biggest game Sucker Punch has ever made by a wide margin. Our trailer includes some quick glimpses of the vibrant, diverse open world you’ll get to explore, but we’ve barely scratched the surface. [/perfectpullquote]
With the Ghost of Tsushima, release window reveal and trailer also comes the official box art, as you can see above.
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Check out the brand-new Ghost of Tsushima trailer revealed at The Game Awards below and tell us if you are happy with the release window for this awesome upcoming PS4 exclusive by Sucker Punch.
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