We have been playing the latest Ubisoft shooter, Ghost Recon: Breakpoint for little under a week now and so far I am not enjoying it at all. It is a shallow and empty shell of a game compared to Wildlands and its boring story and missions have left me watching YouTube while playing the game. The game has a lot of issues and one of them are the crazy microtransactions.
RELATED: Ubisoft Removes Some Ghost Recon Breakpoint Microtransactions
We reported on how excessive they were last week but it seems it was a lot worse than we thought. Polygon conducted a thorough check of the game’s items, currency and what you can buy with it all and it seems that every single item in the game can actually be purchased with real money.
According to Polygon, every item in the game has an in-game currency cost known as Skell Credits. This currency can be found in chests and around the world but can also be purchased with real money. According to the investigation, while Ghost Recon: Breakpoint features two currencies, the Skell Credits and Ghost Points, unlike most games that divide in-game items up between the two ways to purchase them, Breakpoint does not. Meaning everything on sale can be purchased for both currencies.
An example was given. You can purchase an expanded magazine for 3,000 Skell Credits but you can also buy the Skell Credits with Ghost Points which cost real money if you are short. There’s no locking you out of the purchase if you don’t have enough in-game currency as there is always a way to pump real money into the game to buy what you want to buy.
While Ubisoft removed the “time savers” feature from the game which saw players buying skill points and materials with real money, this feature to purchase items, in theory, is the same thing. You can head into a compound and kill enemies to loot the chest hidden in the tower or just buy the gun and forget about it.
It is quite shocking how bad the Ghost Recon: Breakpoint microtransactions actually are. It could be one of the most shallow games Ubisoft has produced in a long time, well in my opinion either. The microtransactions are just the cherry on top of this heap of monetized mess.