Guardians of the Galaxy Game

Guardians of the Galaxy Introduces Lady Hellbender

Developer Eidos Montreal has released some new footage fore the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy game. This time, the entire video is focused on the infamous Lady Hellbender and her first interaction with the Guardians. The video doesn’t have any gameplay but the trailer is taken from in-game footage. One important thing to notice is the dialogue decision Star Lord gets to make during the confrontation.

In the video, the Guardians of the Galaxy come face to face with Lady Hellbender. She is the queen of Serknarf Nine and the leader of the Hellraisers. If you are familiar with the comics, you would know that the Hellraisers are a fairly new addition to the series.


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In the game, Lady Hellbender is a collector of monsters and the Guardians of the Galaxy are seen delivering something to her. She seems to purchase rare creatures and whatever the Guardians have in their box might be valuable to her. However, she isn’t very interested in the box but rather in Drax the Destroyer. She starts to flirt with him and Star Lord needs to decide to either let him continue or stop the interaction.

It is unclear how the cinematic would play out should the player not decide to push Drax into flirting back. We will have to wait and see what happens when we get our hands on the game later this year. I do have a feeling it would not have made a big impact in this case. You can see this by the way the cutscene quickly forgets about the decision after one line of dialogue.

We don’t have a long time to wait before we get to play Guardians of the Galaxy. The game is planned to release on PS4, PS5, Xbox, PC and Switch on 26 October. Take a look at the Lady Hellbender video down below and we have added in the reveal trailer for the game underneath that too.

Guardians of the Galaxy Lady Hellbender Trailer

Reveal Trailer

Source: YouTube

Marco is the owner and founder of GLITCHED. South Africa’s largest gaming and pop culture website. GLITCHED quickly established itself with tech and gaming enthusiasts with on-point opinions, quick coverage of breaking events and unbiased reviews across its website, social platforms, and YouTube channel.

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