Blue Box Game Studios supposed owner Hasan Kahraman has finally appeared online. The man took to Twitter to release a video in order to set the record straight… He is not Hideo Kojima. It has been a week of madness in the gaming industry after fans, and even media began to spread information regarding the studio’s upcoming PS5 game Abandoned. Digging deeper into the game’s development, lack of studio history and all the subtle hints dropped online, led many to believe that Abandoned was actually Silent Hill.
In the video, Hasan welcomes fans saying that he posted the video to show himself. He wants users to know that he is a real person and not associated with Hideo Kojima. Hasan also says he is not an actor and he is not working on Silent Hill.
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Check out the short and sweet video below:
Quick message from Hasan:
— BLUE BOX Game Studios (@BBGameStudios) June 22, 2021
Of course, fans are not convinced yet. They took to the replies to stir up even more suspicions regarding the video and Hasan Kahraman not saying he works for Blue Box Games Studios. They also are suspicious as to why Kojima Productions liked the tweet. Fans also question the strange timing for the video which was uploaded at 2:41 am in the Netherlands. Who posts a video at that time? One fan says that it might be 2:41 am in the Netherlands but it was actually 9:41 am in Japan. You know, where Kojima Productions is based.
The sooner Blue Box Game Studios showcases Abandoned the better it will be. Not only for the studio but also to shut down all the rumours and speculation regarding the game. The studio is set to showcase the project along with the interactive trailer app this week on 25 June.
Make sure you catch up on the full investigation regarding Silent Hill and Abandoned here. We also covered the recent leak of The Haunting: Blood Water Curse here.
NOW READ Blue Box Game Studios Abandoned, Silent Hill Kojima Theory