HBO Max Accidentally Streams Snyder’s Justice League Instead of Tom and Jerry

Zack Snyder’s Justice League is still on track to debut on HBO Max come March 18th, but it looks like subscribers may have gotten a bit of a sneak peek. Thanks to an early slip-up from HBO Max, some viewers who wanted to watch Tom and Jerry instead got to watch the first portion of the four-hour Justice League cut.

HBO Max was quick to correct their mistake, but it didn’t stop viewers from enjoying an accidental early preview of Snyder’s upcoming superhero blockbuster, even if it was for just a few minutes or, luckily, an hour. The accidental stream has since been removed from the streaming service, which aired a whole ten days before it was initially planned to release.


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Deadline reported that Zack Snyder’s upcoming four-hour cut of Justice League was accidentally streamed in place of the Tom and Jerry movie on the HBO Max streaming service. Those wanting to view the family comedy were instead greeted by the dark, brooding superhero flick. HBO Max realized this mistake and cut off the stream swiftly, but by then, viewers had already got to experience one-fourth of the Snyder cut. HBO Max said in a statement:

“Zack Snyder’s Justice League was temporarily available on HBO Max and the error was addressed within minutes”

Some reports suggested that viewers were only able to view a few minutes of Snyder’s film, while others reported that a whole hour was streamed for them.

Zack Snyder’s cut of Justice League is still set to debut on March 18th via the HBO Max streaming service, while Tom and Jerry is currently available on the service as well. The new cut of the film apparently falls more in line with director Zack Snyder’s original vision of his 2017 film, which he had to step away from due to a personal tragedy. In addition to being a recut, the updated version will run for twice the length of the original Justice League and feature more prominent roles for villains like Steppenwolf, Darkseid and The Joker.

We recently learnt that Synder worked on the Justice League cut without any payment. He used this as a pushing point against Warner Bros to fund the $70 million rework of the film. We also discovered that Whedon’s cut was called a “piece of shit” by a Warner Bros exec during an interview with Variety. You can read the about scandal here.

Watch the latest trailer for Zack Snyder’s Justice League below:

Source: Deadline

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Editor-in-Chief of Nexus Hub, writer at GLITCHED. Former writer at The Gaming Report and All Otaku Online. RPG addict that has wonderful nightmares of Bloodborne 2.

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