Horizon Forbidden West DLC Burning Shores

Horizon Forbidden West Complete Edition Rated

It looks like Sony will re-release the PS5 exclusive Horizon Forbidden West in its complete form soon. A listing was spotted for the so-called “Horizon Forbidden West Complete Edition” over on the IMDA which details the game and its including Burning Shores expansion.

The listing all but confirms the existence of this complete edition version. It says: “Horizon Forbidden West Complete Edition is a compilation containing the original adventure game Horizon Forbidden West (Advisory 16) and Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores expansion.”

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While the original game received an M16 rating, the IMDA has given the Horizon Forbidden West Complete Edition an M18 rating due to the same-sex relationship which players encounter in Burning Shores content.

This exact scene caused a lot of online uproar a few months back. Players even resulted in review-bombing Horizon Forbidden West. In the scene, players are given the choice to let Aloy kiss the female hero Seyka.

Guerrilla Games has been quite open and honest with Aloy’s homosexuality and even in the main game, these themes are explored. However, for some reason, fans were a little butt hurt about the scene in the expansion.

At the moment there’s no release date for Horizon Forbidden West Complete Edition. But given the recent rating, we will likely see an announcement very soon. The game will include the main game, Burning Shores expansion, all digital content and updates up to this point. The question now is: “Will this edition also be released on PC?”

Source: IMDA

Marco is the owner and founder of GLITCHED. South Africa’s largest gaming and pop culture website. GLITCHED quickly established itself with tech and gaming enthusiasts with on-point opinions, quick coverage of breaking events and unbiased reviews across its website, social platforms, and YouTube channel.

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