Apple might finally be hiding away the large Face ID tech in the upcoming iPhone 16 Pro range next year. Face ID, which was unveiled back in 2017, has been a staple on the iPhone range and year after year, Apple has made slight improvements to shrink the sensor down. However, even the latest iPhone 14 Pro, which has the smallest sensor to date, still features a cutout on the display.
The Elec reports that Apple is currently working on technology to hide Face ID under the display. The company will reportedly have it ready for the iPhone 16 Pro range in 2025. The technology will live under the screen and blend into the panel. Only when a user activates Face ID by unlocking their iPhone or making secure transactions, will the panel show the cutout.
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While it would be ideal for Apple to have this new tech added to the iPhone 15 Pro range this year, reports claim that it simply isn’t ready for mass production. Current phones that include under-display camera sensors, still struggle to keep the display quality on the same level where the cutout is. Apple is reportedly working on ways to seamlessly hide this cutout away while keeping the camera and display quality on par with a cutout.
Apple has struggled to shrink down and hide away Face ID. Mainly due to its technical nature. The sensor is more than just your typical camera lens. It includes a TrueDepth infrared camera to map your face and analyze its shape. All the sensors are important to the Face ID functioning correctly and more importantly securely.
The Elec suggests that Apple will eventually hide both the Face ID tech and the front-facing camera under a display. It would eliminate the iPhone notch and screen cut out completely. However, the company isn’t expected to do so until the iPhone 18 Pro in 2026.
The next major overhaul on the display will only be next year with the iPhone 16 Pro. This year’s iPhone 15 Pro range is reported to ditch the mechanical buttons for haptic gestures as well as include a USB C port which Apple has now been forced to add.
Source: The Elec