Jack Black’s “gaming” channel on YouTube is something I follow, not because I want to be informed about the latest games or see professional reviews, but because he is simply rocks. Jack Black’s YouTube channel, called Jablinski Games, has over 3.6 million subscribers so far and he hasn’t really played any games.
Related: Jack Black Started a YouTube Gaming Channel and it Rocks
Aspiring YouTubers focusing on gaming normally have a hard time breaking through and getting to that 1000 subscriber mark in the first few months, unless something magical happens. However, with Jack Black’s celebrity status, he managed 3.6 million in one month. Even though Jack Black’s YouTube channel hasn’t shown him actually playing any relative titles yet, that doesn’t mean it isn’t great and you shouldn’t check it out.
So far, we’ve seen him at an arcade to play some retro pinball, at the dentist, embarrassing his kids, eating a burger and rapping. That’s what we have on Jack Black’s YouTube channel that is meant to focus on gaming. With all the gaming channels out there, it’s not like the world really needs another one, so this lighthearted and awesome channel is welcome, even without actually seeing Jack Black play games.
The latest video on Jack Black’s YouTube channel is called “We’re FINALLY gaming” and the first minute or so shows some Fortnite gameplay. However, it turns out that the footage isn’t from Jack playing, as he mentions later in the video that his capture device isn’t working yet. It’s a great and fun troll move if you ask me. Jack also promised that next week he will actually start gaming and that the “gaming videos will flow like wine”, whatever that means.
Check out Jack Black’s latest “gaming” video below because it is well worth the watch and then tell us what you think about his content and what games you would love to see him actually play.
[su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0qRoKxzFYI” width=”600″]