Jurassic World Evolution 2: Early Cretaceous Pack Review

Jurassic World Evolution 2: Early Cretaceous Pack Review

Releasing DLC for your game just a few weeks after its debut is quite a cheek. Sure, it is the normal thing to do these days but I can’t help wonder why something like this wouldn’t be part of the game in the first place. Then again, the original Jurassic World Evolution game had a truckload of DLC packs released during its lifecycle so this is probably the first of many to come. Enter the Jurassic World Evolution 2: Early Cretaceous Pack – a DLC pack all about the Early Cretaceous dinosaurs.

The content comes with four new dinosaurs that span land, sea and water. The water dinosaur comes in the form of the Kronosaurus. The flying dinosaur is the Dsungaripterus and the two land ones include the Minmi and Wuerhosaurus.

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Keep in mind that while these are new breeds, they are still part of the current dinosaur families. This means that the Minmi and Wuerhosaurus are from the Ankylsoraus and Stegasourus families, for example. Thankfully, each new breed does offer enough uniqueness to them that make them stand out from the rest. Especially if you have been playing Jurassic World Evolution 2 long enough now that you’re familiar with all the current dinosaurs.

Jurassic World Evolution 2: Early Cretaceous Pack Review

The Wuerhosaurus has familiar spikes on it that make it look like the Stegosaurus. According to the game, the Wuerhosaurus is one of the last breeds of Stegasaurians that existed. I didn’t know this. The Minmi is an adorable little dinosaur that packs a hard outer shell.

As for the Dsungaripterus, it looks like just your average flying reptile from the distance. Once you zoom in, you’ll see that it has a distinctly larger head with a hard fin on the top of its beak. Lastly, the Kronosaurus is a marine reptile, it features a large and long jaw with sharp teeth formed on the outer edge.

Jurassic World Evolution 2: Early Cretaceous Pack Review

The Jurassic World Evolution 2: Early Cretaceous Pack doesn’t offer much new gameplay to experience. Rather, it focuses on adding these new dinosaurs to your park so you can enjoy them and master their needs. Each new breed has been designed quite well with animations and sounds bringing them to life.

I would have preferred a little more here than just new dinosaurs being added to my current park but these creatures do add some variety into the game. It would have been nice to have a small story mission themed around each dinosaur or even all four at the same time. Maybe to learn a little bit about them while building enclosures and setting up habitats? I don’t know. The pack feels empty and if this is the start of the DLC drops for this game, future packs might be a tough sell.

Jurassic World Evolution 2: Early Cretaceous Pack Review

Still, if you’re into Jurassic World Evolution 2 then this Early Cretaceous Pack is a nice addition. It is definitely not worth booting up the game again if you jumped shipped at launch. This pack is more for gamers who are currently picking up the game for the first time and want to have these dinosaurs blend into their current roster.

This Jurassic World Evolution 2: Early Cretaceous Pack review is based on a code sent to us by Frontier. The DLC sells for R149 and is available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S and PC. 

Jurassic World Evolution 2: Early Cretaceous Pack
  • Story - 4/10
  • Gameplay - 7/10
  • Presentation - 9/10
  • Value - 4/10


The Jurassic World Evolution 2: Early Cretaceous Pack includes four new dinosaurs to master and that’s about it. A tough sell for those who already left the game as there’s really nothing much to do here.



New breeds look fantastic

Nice additions to those playing the game


Just four new dinosaurs

Nothing else much here

Marco is the owner and founder of GLITCHED. South Africa’s largest gaming and pop culture website. GLITCHED quickly established itself with tech and gaming enthusiasts with on-point opinions, quick coverage of breaking events and unbiased reviews across its website, social platforms, and YouTube channel.