Square Enix released the new Kingdom Hearts III ReMind DLC this week and so far it is not going down as well as the studio hoped. The DLC, while shrouded in mystery before launch, adds a load of new bosses to the game but many feel like it just added content which should have been there in the first place.
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Apart from the new 14 battles, much of the added content and modes such as the slideshow photo mode where you can take pictures with the characters and enemies dies out very quickly. The Kingdom Hearts III Remind DLC has sparked some outrage by fans over on Reddit and Facebook where many of them are questioning why the DLC was so lacklustre and priced so high for the features it added.
Some users claim to have simply watched the cutscenes of the DLC on YouTube and saved themselves $30 while others are slamming Square Enix for putting the missing parts of the story into the game as paid content. The biggest issue seems to stem from the idea that the entire DLC is recycled from the main game.
We could see this coming a mile away though. Since its reveal, fans have been questioning why all the modes and boss fights arrived as a paid content pack. Even the ability to turn off gameplay features like the annoying attractions have been locked behind this DLC purchase so you cannot benefit from a harder, customized game unless you splurge on the DLC.
To make it worse, the DLC is also expensive. In SA, it costs R479 which is a lot to ask for some boss fights and cutscenes. The Kingdom Hearts III Remind DLC adds no new world to explore either making it feel like recycled content.
One Reddit user broke down the entire content pack piece by piece shedding light on what he claims is “disappointing garbage”. The comments on the post also agree with him sharing their disappointment with the content pack.
So you have been. Stay away from the DLC until it is on sale. It is not worth your money.