Death Stranding gameplay TGS 2019 PlayStation PS4 Kojima Productions

Kojima Shows Off 49 Minutes of Death Stranding Gameplay at TGS 2019

Sony’s PlayStation Presentation kicked off this morning at the TGS 2019 as Hideo Kojima, head of Kojima Productions, took to the stage to chat (in Japanese) about his upcoming game, the PlayStation exclusive Death Stranding. Although the presentation was in Japanese, the Death Stranding PS4 gameplay spoke for itself.

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The Death Stranding gameplay video (which you can view embedded at the bottom of this article) wasn’t a live gameplay presentation, but instead, a pre-recorded video edited to avoid spoilers. The video contents showcase scenes from the first third of the game on PS4. First off, check out the Death Stranding briefing trailer also revealed at TGS 2019, followed by what was shown during the gameplay showcase.

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Featuring Norman Reedus as the protagonist Sam, the presentation started with Sam in some form of facility, accessing terminals to speak to a hologram of another character. It looks like you can stack Sam with a tonne of cargo on his back to carry around, with each piece adding more weight as the video shows off the inventory system before Sam makes it out into the world and you can see him struggling to carry all the weight.

You can plot your own route through the world map and everything in the map, as well as the inventory UI, looks intuitive and smooth. You can easily scan the environment as Kojima Productions showed Sam walking through a river and scanning for a strong tide before narrowly making it through. Sam is then exhausted so you will need to let him catch his breath before continuing and replenish his energy.

The PlayStation exclusive looks fantastic thanks to the Decima engine on the PS4 as all the environments are incredibly detailed in the Death Stranding gameplay showcase. The game’s tension is built through exploration and in one scene, we can see Sam grappling down a canyon, using a ladder to cross a stream and much more.

As the showcase progressed, you could see Sam creating what looks like a network over sections of America by delivering supplies and keeping his baby safe. Unfortunately, the comments from Kojima were all in Japanese so I couldn’t understand what information he shared while the gameplay was going on, but some interesting features were still on display. For example, you could see other players’ ladders and like them as a social, multiplayer feature. You can also create signs for other players to see.

Resting is important since Sam is carrying so much weight and you have to take care of him and not push him too hard. While resting, you can also play the harmonica to calm and make your baby happy, as well as massage your own shoulders. Kojima products have clearly put so much detail into the Death Stranding gameplay.

While it might look a bit slow and some might say it looks like a walking simulator, there are so many interesting things to discover, footprints of others to follow and inventory management at play, not to mention traversing cliffs and other dangerous environments look nervewracking, especially when it start to rain.

Then, the action kicks off as Sam walks into an outpost and face off against several human enemies who arrive moments later. There are guns, melee combat and you can even throw someone off their vehicle and take it for a ride as the Death Stranding gameplay becomes action-packed for a while.

There’s really a lot to see from the PlayStation exclusive Death Stranding gameplay that was shown off at the TGS 2019 and if you are on the fence about the upcoming game from Kojima Productions, this might just change your mind. There are also some very creepy scenes including one that looks like a boss fight to enjoy, showing Sam throwing grenades and more in an attempt to survive the onslaught of this strange creature.

Judging by the Death Stranding gameplay shown at TGS 2019, Sony might just have another fantastic PlayStation exclusive on their hands.

Death Stranding releases on 8 November 2019 for the PS4 and from the new gameplay you can see below, it definitely isn’t just a walking simulator as some have though.

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Watch the Death Stranding gameplay from TGS 2019 below as uploaded by GamersPrey and then tell us what you think in the comment section.

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Marco is the owner and founder of GLITCHED. South Africa’s largest gaming and pop culture website. GLITCHED quickly established itself with tech and gaming enthusiasts with on-point opinions, quick coverage of breaking events and unbiased reviews across its website, social platforms, and YouTube channel.

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