After the release of the first CS: GO Operation in more than two years, Valve isn’t slowing down when it comes to improving the game and its maps. The latest CS: GO update introduces Storage Units, which store up to 1,000 Inventory items each which would otherwise exceed inventory limit.
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Alongside the new Storage Units in the latest CS: GO update, Valve has also fixed a re-zoom regression with sniper rifles and made changes to multiple maps based on community feedback, including changes and adjustments to Inferno, Overpass and Nuke. For those enjoying the new Shattered Web Operation, Valve has also added a countdown to see when new Operation missions become available.
Check out the full notes for the latest CS: GO update as per the CS: GO blog post below.
- Introducing Storage Units which allow users to store up to 1,000 items which would otherwise exceed inventory limit.
- Improved visibility from patio towards pit boost spot.
- Added fill lights in A site balcony hallway.
- Fixed a DM spawn in apartments that caused players to get stuck.
- Boosted ambient light on grate outside Monster, B site. (@SRK_xt)
- Removed graffiti from left side of CT side, B site.
- Boosted light in bank, A site.
- Changed background texture in bank, A site.
- Brightened up corner by far vent in A site.
User Interface:
- Added a new setting to enable triple-monitor UI mode.
- Added a countdown till week 2 Operation missions become available.
- End of match scoreboard toggle button is now the same button binding that enables mouse in the scoreboard. (default: Mouse2)
- Fixed ’rounds won with no purchases’ accolade appearing in Flying Scoutsman.
- Fixed skin tone on one of the Elite Crew agents.
- Fixed a regression in Weapons Course.
- Fixed a re-zoom regression with sniper rifles. (@land1ncs)
- Updated radar for Vertigo.
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What do you think about the map adjustments and more in the latest CS: GO update from Valve? Let us know in the comment section below.