While I haven’t had any CS: GO network issues while playing the game on local servers, the latest update for the game focuses on network adjustments. Valve released the update yesterday and while many players are waiting for a new case and calling for an Operation to release, its aways good to make adjustments to the game’s networking as it is an extremely competitive online multiplayer title that needs to be sharp and responsive at all times for all players.
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The latest CS: GO update holds a few additions to server settings and at the time of writing, I am not sure how this will affect South African servers. Playing some matches this morning, there were no noticable changes. With that being said, it looks like some game server settings could help clean up any lag, with a feature that allows admins to see detailed analysis of each player connecting, and a setting that could very well help the servers remain stable.
Check out the latest CS: GO update notes as per the CS: GO blog post below.
- Added a game server network channel traffic analysis framework for each client connection.
- Added a game server setting, “net_chan_limit_msec”, which allows server operators to limit amount of processing time the game server can spend on processing packets for each client per tick. Clients that send packets causing server CPU processing time to exceed configured number of milliseconds will be kicked from the game server. Enabled CPU processing time limits on official game servers.
- Added a game server setting, “net_chan_stats_dump” which, when enabled, will dump statistics of each network channel when that network channel is closed. Statistics include messages, bandwidth, and CPU processing time breakdown.
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Have you experienced any network issues or improvements after the latest CS: GO update? Let us know in the comment section below.