Square Enix has released the launch trailer for the upcoming Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy. The trailer teases things to come ahead of the game’s release on 26 October. If anything, the trailer follows the traditional Guardians of the Galaxy magic and includes action, cheap one-liners and a catchy soundtrack. This time around, the trailer is backed by Mötley Crüe’s Kickstart My Heart and it is a fitting addition to the gameplay footage.
Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy has been created by Eidos Montreal and published by Square Enix. The game follows everyone’s favourite misfits as they go on an adventure of galactic proportions.
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If anything, Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy might be 2021’s sleeper hit.
Fire up Star-Lord’s jet boots for a wild ride across the cosmos in this third-person action-adventure game, a fresh take on Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy. With the unpredictable Guardians at your side, blast your way from one explosive situation to another, with original and iconic Marvel characters caught in a struggle for the fate of the universe. You got this. Probably.
Check out the launch trailer down below. The game is out on 26 October for PS4, PS5, Xbox and PC.
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Source: YouTube