Before reading any further, please note this is an “ending explained” article about the first season of Marvel’s Moon Knight. Therefore, this post is not for you if you haven’t seen the entire season, including the finale, episode 6. Spoilers ahead, you have been warned.
It’s hard to imagine that we are already at the end of Moon Knight season 1. So far, Moon Knight has managed to move from strength to strength with each passing episode, and the finale might be the strongest episode yet. It’s also the first time that one of Marvel’s TV Show endeavours truly feels like it belongs on the big screen as part of the MCU.
Moon Knight Season 1 Ending Explained
Episode 5 of Moon Knight ended with Marc Spector and his other identity, Steven Grant, finding themselves separated and stranded in two different parts of the Egyptian afterlife- leaving the land of the living at Harrow’s mercy. Episode 6 kicks off with Marc ignoring Taweret’s warnings and turning his back on his blissful peace in the afterlife to try and rescue Steven. Upon rescuing Steven, Mark finally breaks down, confessing that he needs Steven to be whole and that Steven is Marc’s true superpower. This moving moment results in both Marc and Steven accepting each other and returning to the same body with both the power of Moon Knight and Mr Knight restored.
Shortly after becoming whole, Marc and Steven find themselves battling Harrow, unable to get the upper hand and defeat him. However, when Marc experiences a sudden blackout mid-fight and returns to see Harrow lying helpless on the ground, it is no longer possible to ignore all the show’s hints at the third personality: Jake Lockley. When the post-credit scene rolls in, Jake Lockley makes his on-screen debut. Dressed in his signature cap from the comics, we see Jake shoot Harrow and finally establish himself for who he is: a ruthless and unscrupulous side to Marc and Steven.
Episode 6 didn’t stop at the reveals with Jake Lockley, though; it also showed us a version of Layla with powers. Layla finds herself bombarded with gods wanting her to be their avatar during the episode. After releasing Khonshu from the statue he was trapped within, the god offers to make Layla his new avatar, an offer she refuses. However, when Taweret approaches Layla with the same request, she accepts. Layla, now donning a magnificent winged costume, is now the avatar of Taweret and has all the flashy powers that come with it.
Episode 6 also showed Harrow finally getting to fuffle what he believes to be his purpose: releasing Ammit. After releasing the crocodile-headed god into the world, everything starts to play out almost precisely as Harrow predicted in the first episode. Ammit starts feasting on all of the souls the scales deem as unworthy while her followers begin to “cleanse” the world.
However, this doesn’t last for long as Moon Knight and Layla, still acting as the avatar of Tawaret, soon arrive and manage to defeat Harrow while also trapping Ammit inside of Harrow’s body. Harrow ends up in the hospital after this altercation, but instead of experiencing the peace offered by Ammit, Harrow is promptly shot by Jake Lockly, who manages to destroy Ammit in the process.
One of the most visually stunning and exciting parts of the final episode was the big, MCU style battle. Instead of the basic “Marc VS Harrow” fights we’ve seen up to this point, this final epic battle pulled out all the stops. From Khonshu and Ammit having their god vs god battle to Layla turning up with her god-like powers and Moon Knight constantly switching between his own form and that of Mr Knight – it was every bit as great as Marvel fight scenes on the big screen usually are.
Moon Knight didn’t do much to mess with the traditional formula at the end of the day. The good guys won and the bad guys lost; however, it won’t last for long as with all “happy” endings. For Marc and Steven, the battle hasn’t been won; in fact, it hasn’t even started. The post-credits scene reveals the existence of Jake Lockley as a third personality and that Jake is working as Khonshu’s secret avatar, unknown to either Marc or Steven. This reveal takes the show right back to where it began in episode 1, where we saw Steven scared and confused, chaining himself to his bed, unable to understand what was happening to him. While at the same time, another unknown and violent personality was coming out to play.
While there has been no word yet on whether or not Moon Knight will be returning to the screen in any shape and form, the ending of the season and the introduction of Jake Lockley pretty much confirm this won’t be the last we see or hear of Moon Knight. Thanks to the scannable QR code in this episode, there is another hint at Moon Knight making a return to the MCU in the immediate future. The comic the code linked to was 2019’s Moon Knight – Acts of Evil. For those unfamiliar with the comic, the whole story goes about how Moon Knight must stop Kang the Conqueror before he takes out Khonshu. The same Kang the Conqueror that was introduced in Marvel’s Loki TV Show.
If you enjoyed watching Moon Knight as much as we enjoyed covering it make sure to check out some of our other content surrounding the show here and as always, if you want to pick up a few physical copies of the Moon Knight comics for yourself, remember to head over to Critters and Comics.