Overwatch McCree Renamed

McCree is Named After Ex-Blizzard Employee So Blizzard is Changing His Name

Blizzard and the Overwatch team has announced that they will be changing the name of McCree in the game. McCree is a playable hero in Overwatch and is named after an ex Blizzard employee Jesse McCree. The employee was also the lead designer on Diablo 4 but has recently departed the company after the sexual harassment lawsuit brought some allegations to light surrounding the developer.

In a statement on the official Overwatch Twitter account, the developers of the game announced the change in McCree’s name. They have yet to reveal what the hero will be named but they state the change will better represent what Overwatch stands for.


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Jesse McCree is one of the three main senior Blizzard employees no longer at the company since the lawsuit began last month. McCree is well known for his work on Diablo but the senior developer also came under investigation in the recent lawsuit. According to the case, McCree was part of the infamous “Cosby Crew”, a group of developers that would host and participate in alcohol-fueled parties in the Blizzard “Cosby Suite”.

It is unclear whether or not Jesse McCree was fired from Blizzard or he left on his own. However, the ex-employee is currently facing ongoing allegations of sexual harassment and gender discrimination.

Overwatch has a special McCree event scheduled for the game in September. The developer has since delayed this in order to integrate the character’s name into the story arc. Instead of hosting a McCree event, Overwatch will now release a new FFA map in September.

It is not the first time Blizzard has been forced to rename its characters in its video games. Blizzard was forced to rename a World of Warcraft NPC who was named after Alex Afrasiabi. It was revealed that Afrasiabi was also part of the Cosby Suite. He was called out in the ongoing lawsuit for sexual harassment but was fired back in 2020 from the company.

Blizzard says they will no longer name their characters after employees. This goes for current and upcoming games.

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Source: Twitter

Marco is the owner and founder of GLITCHED. South Africa’s largest gaming and pop culture website. GLITCHED quickly established itself with tech and gaming enthusiasts with on-point opinions, quick coverage of breaking events and unbiased reviews across its website, social platforms, and YouTube channel.

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