Meta is planning to show off its new budget VR headset next month. The device is reportedly called the Quest 3S and will ship without controllers. It is expected to retail from $300 and cost $400 for a 512GB model.
The news comes shortly after reports of Meta’s cancelled Quest 3 Pro device. The product was in development and aimed to take on Apple’s Vision Pro headset. However, this past weekend sources claim that Meta had cancelled the Quest 3 Pro after the company believed its asking price would be too high for consumers.
Instead of working on a high-end VR product, Meta is prepping to unveil its budget version instead. Alongside the Quest 3S, the company will also detail its new Orion AR glasses. These glasses are still in the early concept phase but they are meant to be a futuristic augmented reality tech device that incorporates Meta’s most popular apps and services.
The products will be announced at the Meta Connect event in September. It kicks off on 25 September and runs up until the 26th. You can expect a load of news from Meta during the show. Not only will it play host to product announcements but we’ll also see the latest when it comes to Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp and perhaps some new VR game updates.
At the moment, the Meta Quest 3S looks like a strange move considering the product won’t ship with controllers. We don’t know if Meta plans on adding support for other controllers or selling them separately. Given how great the Meta Quest 3 works with hand and finger tracking, the Quest 3S will likely adopt the same feature. But the controllers definitely make the experience much easier and unlock PC gaming capabilities.
Source: Bloomberg