The next installment of the Monster Hunter franchise has seemingly leaked through Discord and is reportedly titled “Monster Hunter Paradise”. The leak was then exposed on Twitter by user @neonaga99 in a now-deleted post by explaining that when tinkering with the backend of the Discord through the developer-mode build, they were able to activate placeholder events scheduled for later in the year.
Most of the placeholder events were seemingly blank but some allowed players to claim a code for “Monster Hunter Paradise” which reportedly confirms the title for the next game in the franchise. Unfortunately, claiming the code doesn’t seem to do anything as yet, except offer players a code for Xbox, PlayStation or PC.
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Not too long ago, there was a large Capcom leak, which featured the next mainline entry to the Monster Hunter franchise under the name Monster Hunter 6. While we aren’t sure if the supposed “Monster Hunter Paradise” will be the untitled Monster Hunter 6, it would make some sense if that were the case since “Paradise” could fall within the theme of “World”, certainly more so than Rise.
If this is, in fact, the next mainline entry, it would be unlikely to come to the Nintendo Switch outside of cloud gaming, since Capcom wasn’t even able to bring Monster Hunter World to the handheld device due to graphical intensity. Though, the Nintendo Switch already has its own series of Monster Hunter titles in the form of Monster Hunter Rise.
Developer Certain Affinity is reportedly developing a Monster Hunter clone that will be exclusive to Xbox platforms on console and PC, according to VentureBeat journalist Jeff Grubb. Monster Hunter Rise recently received a huge expansion, Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, that focused on three major monsters as well as a range of other new content.
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