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Mortal Kombat 12 Reveal Not Planned for Series’ 30th Anniversary

A 30th anniversary celebration event will be held for the Mortal Kombat franchise this weekend, but series co-creator Ed Boon says not to expect any new game announcements as the focus will be on the celebrations. This means that we won’t see the next NetherRealm Studios game, which is believed to be Mortal Kombat 12, at this event.

“We know a lot of you are excited about the next NetherRealm Studios game announcement and it will happen in due time,” said Boon in a tweet. “But first it’s all about 30 years of Mortal Kombat. That’s what we’re going to celebrate and focus on. Our next game announcement will be separate from MK30.”

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A report from earlier this year claimed that NetherRealm Studios was working on both Injustice 3 and Mortal Kombat 12, but the former’s development went through some trouble after Warner Bros. and DC’s licensing fiasco. The company then shifted its attention to developing Mortal Kombat 12 instead, which is believed to be the next game from the acclaimed fighting game studio.

Boon has been quite vague and secretive about what’s next for NetherRealm Studios, though this is to be expected from the co-creator who has a history of trolling and clever misdirection.

As for when we can possibly expect to see Mortal Kombat 12‘s reveal, all signs point to The Game Awards this December. Mortal Kombat 11 was revealed at The Game Awards in 2018 with a typical bait-and-switch from Boon on stage, so it’s highly likely that he will return to the awards show this year, though this is just speculation on our part.

In related news, Amazon previously leaked a Mortal Kombat 30th Anniversary bundle which includes Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate and an exclusive steelbook Blu-Ray release of the 2021 live-action Mortal Kombat movie.

Source: Ed Boon

Editor-in-Chief of Nexus Hub, writer at GLITCHED. Former writer at The Gaming Report and All Otaku Online. RPG addict that has wonderful nightmares of Bloodborne 2.

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